About FNCF
About FNCFHistory
First Nations Community Financial, (FNCF) was created to build the strength and wholeness of the Ho-Chunk Nation (HCN) Communities and Native Americans. A small business program struggled under the government from the 1990’s until early 2000’s. To address the obstacles, FNCF was created and developed through Ho-Chunk Housing and Community Development Agency, (HHCDA) in 2006. HHCDA helped the CDFI to achieve many milestones and set the foundation for the CDFI, but certification was unattainable while under HHCDA because of additional barriers. During that time, FNCF was unable to operate under their own Employer Identification Number and therefore was not able to stand as a separate Legal Entity, this being the largest barrier.
December 2011: Certificate of Incorporation
May of 2012: Operating under their own tax identification number as a separate entity
May of 2013: Achieved certification as a Native CDFI
May of 2015: Became a 501C3
This separation would not have been possible without the assistance of the Ho-Chunk Nation. Upon separation from HHCDA the Ho-Chunk Nation provided FNCF with a sizable small business loan portfolio and has since supported FNCF through a MOU that includes a two way
street of support both to and from our organization here to help fulfill goals both of the tribe and the surrounding Native communities.
Our Mission: Is to deliver exemplary services by providing financial education, training, and access to capital to support sustainable business and community development while improving the quality of life within our communities.
Our Vision: Is shaping our communities by encouraging economic growth and delivering financial empowerment.
Our Foundation: Our mission is building economic and financial independence, increasing the Nation’s access to capital, and empowering tribal member’s individual foundations for stronger financial levels of success.
FNCF continues to provide an array of services to Ho-Chunk Nation tribal members. We provide one-on-one financial counseling on an as needed and by appointment basis. We also provide developmental assistance to tie into each of our lending products to include credit report review, household budgeting, and fundamentals of purchasing a vehicle, starting a business or buying a home. To date, FNCF has assisted over 5,000 clients with this type of service in the past 5 years. Developmental services are provided to all loan clientele as part of the loan closing process. Since July 1, 2012 we have received a total of 8,000 loan applications, of those applications we approved 6,900 loans totaling $12.25 Million. For those clients that were not approved, FNCF offers the services to get them to the point of approval.
FNCF has also offered the annual youth financial literacy event The Financial Frenzy since 2010. We have reached over 800 Ho-Chunk youth, assisting them to make informed financial decisions upon receiving their trust funds. Other events include Pathways Home classes to begin the foundation of success for home ownership.

First Nations Community Financial is a state chartered not-for-profit Native Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI)
206 S Roosevelt Rd, Suite 123 Black River Falls, WI 54615
Quick Links
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- Loan Inquiry
Upcoming Events
- Pathways Home - Virtual - February 19, 2025
- Indianpreneurship - Virtual - February 28, 2025
- Pathways Home - March 28, 2025 - Location TBA
- Dreaming To Reality Summit - April 22 & 23, 2025
Office Hours (8-4:30 M-F)
Closed on the Following Holidays
- New Year's Day (Jan 1st)
- Memorial Day (Last Monday in May)
- Mitchell Red Cloud Jr. Day (July 4th)
- Labor Day (First Monday in Sept.)
- Veterans Day ( November 11th)
- Thanksgiving (4th Thursday in Nov.)
- Ho-Chunk Day (Day after Thanksgiving)
- Christmas Eve (December 24th)
- Christmas (December 25th)
- New Year's Eve (December 31st)
Connect with us
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: (715) 284-2470
- Fax: (715) 284-2471

*This institution is an equal opportunity provider. In accordance with federal law and U.S. Department of the Treasury policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write to Department of the Treasury, Office of Civil Rights and Diversity, 1500 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. 20220 or call (202) 622-1160.